Palestineaidfoundation has helped refugees and others hurt by conflicts in Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan live with purpose and hope.

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Donate to support refugees and communities in need.

Thank you for supporting Palestine aid foundation with your contribution!

Thank you for supporting Palestine aid foundation with your contribution!For decades, Palestine aid foundation has helped hope find a way in the Middle East. Your donation will help Palestine aid foundation continue providing basic needs to refugees and vulnerable communities all around the world , the West Bank, Lebanon Jordanand Gaza.

Donations made will help provide families in need with food and cash assistance, medicines, shelter, water access, and relief during times of emergency.

Palestine aid foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (tax-ID number 52-0882226). Your gift is secure and tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Your donation is 100% secure and tax-deductible

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A catastrophic civil war as violent clashes between paramilitary and government forces threaten the lives of people across the country. thousands have been killed, and millions more injured and displaced in the fight. Your donation and Emergency Fund will provide emergency relief, food, water, medicine, and other essential supplies to impacted communities!

humanitarian crisis since 2011 and the current war is further upending millions of lives. Fighting between armed groups and forces is inhibiting peoples' abilities to safely access basic necessities, threatening lives, and displacing families in Khartoum, Darfur, and other areas. Millions of refugees already reside in Sudan. Urgent support is required for communities' survival and recovery in Sudan and surrounding countries.

All donations to this fund will support emergency relief efforts in Sudan and Sudanese displaced by fighting. Initially the fund will help local, vetted partners address the affected communities' immediate needs, such as access to food, clean water, shelter, and healthcare. The fund will later transition to focus support on longer-term recovery efforts run by local organizations.

Supporting Refugee Assistance

Providing immediate relief and sustainable development programs for refugees affected by conflicts in Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan.

grayscale photo of 2 girls and boy sitting on chair
grayscale photo of 2 girls and boy sitting on chair
2 boys standing near wooden door
2 boys standing near wooden door
Emergency Relief Programs

Delivering resources for immediate relief and long-term health, education, and economic development in Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan.

Community Engagement Initiatives

Engaging with local communities to navigate politics and provide help where it's needed most.

palestine aid foundation makes it easy and safe for you to give to local projects anywhere in the world, while providing nonprofits with the tools, training, and support they need to thrive

Impactful Support

Empowering communities through sustainable development and immediate emergency relief efforts.

Grateful for the assistance provided by palestineaidfoundation, it truly made a difference.

Sara Johnson
a red cross painted on a white paper
a red cross painted on a white paper

New York

palestineaidfoundation's dedication to helping refugees and those affected by conflicts is truly commendable.

Red Cross logo
Red Cross logo
Michael Smith

